Welcome to Day 1 of your 7-Day Course Series: What is a course exactly?

The information provided is from my own experience and may not work for everyone. I am not a professional nor claim to be. Please read my disclaimer for more information.


Hi new bestie!

I am so excited to get started!

By now, you should already know some of my back story on how I got started creating courses and profiting, but if not, open up yesterday's email and take a quick look!

Just to recap though, I struggled getting my business off the ground and maybe many of you are going through that as well. Based on the performance of my first and second course, I created another course so that I could share with you but also because I could see the potential it had for me to quit my 9-5 job! But then… I got laid off. Working 13 years at the same company, I was laid off and NEEDED a way to make money. Guess what?

YEP. Creating another course was the way to go!

With the information I am sharing with you, you will gain the knowledge and skills to create and sell your own course(s)! This can lead to a passive income stream, the ability to share your expertise with others, and the opportunity to make a positive impact on people's lives.

Not only that, but here are other reasons why it is the # 1 way to make money and profit, and why you should consider building your own course:

Reach a wider audience: With the internet, you can reach people all over the world who are interested in your topic

Establish yourself as an expert: By sharing your knowledge and expertise through a course, you can establish yourself as an authority in your field.

Scalability: Once you create and launch one course, you can continue to create more and potentially build a business around selling courses.

Upselling opportunities: Once you have a successful course or two under your belt, you can leverage your existing audience to sell additional courses or related products and services.

Truly, the list goes on and on but you get it. There is so much more than it just being a course, which I get into more extensively when I launch my newest course, COURSE CREATION MSATERY: From Idea to Launch. Here in this free series, you will learn so much and you will be able to build out your course, but I do provide a lot more in the actual course. From course building secrets, to an in-depth guide to marketing your course, and how to set up your email campaign. Getting you all the material you need to succeed!

But understanding what a course can do for you is important here. It can change your life too!


As I mentioned in yesterday's email, I had no skills or training when I first started (although I wish that I had a course sooner!) so I get it! But building a course can still be done! And you can profit! It takes work and time but it is absolutely possible.

I knew I really wanted to start something on my own - I wanted to be free of stress from the 9-5 job and truly just build something I could share with the world. Had I known that I would get laid off, I would have put more time into my course versus all my time in my 9-5. But, it was a blessing in disguise. I didn’t know it at the time, but it was. And I had to put all I had into my business so I could take care of my family of 8 (Husband, 3 kids, 2 dogs, and a cat).

But for me, the most important thing I wanted was more for my family. Vacations, time off, holidays.. I wanted more time with them and the freedom to do as I want without having to “ask for permission” from a boss…



And I want that for you too, so let's get started and you can start living your dream!

So, What is a Course Exactly?

Well, a course really a well-structured educational program that focuses on a specific skill or subject matter. Such as what I am offering you today! Its objective is to provide learners or your audience with the knowledge and skills they need to enhance their understanding of that subject and achieve their personal or professional goals. It can be a way to make passive income or a full-time income.

What is Passive Income & How does it differ from a Full-time Income?

Just in case you were not sure, passive income is income that is earned without actively working for it. When you create a course and sell it online, you can earn passive income because you create the course once and it continues to generate income for you even after you have completed it.

On the other hand, full-time income is income that is earned by actively working for it on a full-time basis. When you create a course, you can also earn a full-time income by creating additional courses and building a business around your courses.


Of course, you know that courses can vary in length, from a few days or weeks, to several months or even years, depending on the level of detail and complexity of the subject matter. Right now, we are doing a 7-day extensive course, but ultimately, when I launch my course, it will be a bit longer.

In this course, I am giving you the building blocks to not only build a course that can profit, but also the steps to keep going and create a lifestyle out of it!


Who Can Create a Course?

Creating a course can be done by a variety of individuals or organizations. Generally, anyone who has knowledge or expertise in a particular subject matter can create a course.

This could be a professor, teacher, trainer, or even someone who is self-taught in a particular area.



Here, we are creating a course(s) for your audience that will provide either training and/or  education on a specific topic.

Online learning platforms, such as Squarespace (which is what I am using as my platform), Coursera, and Skillshare,  Thinkific also allow individuals to create and publish their own courses for a wider audience.

What are the Learning Objectives?

 Well, lets go through them! Here is what you will learn in this 7-Day Series:

  • How to identify the perfect course topic

    • Learn what it takes to structure your course

    • How to start your course outline

    • How to create engaging course content

    • Creating a course from scratch

    • How to effectively market your course by identifying your target audience

    • You will learn the many options of promoting your course using different marketing channels

  • Understanding the principles of instructional design. This can include topics such as adult learning theory, learning objectives, assessment, and feedback.

  • Developing a course outline. You will learn that the key step in creating a course is developing a course outline that outlines the topics that will be covered, the learning objectives for each module, and the assessments that will be used to measure learning.

  • Identifying appropriate content. I will also be sharing how to identify appropriate content for the course. This includes selecting relevant materials such as readings, videos, templates, and other resources that align with the course objectives.

  • Developing effective assessments. Assessments are an important part of any course, as they are used to measure learning and provide feedback to learners.

  • Understanding the technical aspects of course creation. Finally, learners in a course on creating courses should understand the technical aspects of course creation, such as selecting a platform, creating multimedia content, and designing user-friendly interfaces.

I know that was a lot on your first day, but get ready because I have a lot more to share with you in the next few days!
I really hope that this information encourages and motivates you to building out your course! GET IN TOUCH and let me know what is motivating you!

Stay tuned for tomorrow's lesson - How does a course actually work when it comes to making money?

Talk soon! XOXO,



Meet the Founder

Hey! I’m Rachel Hall and I created Inspire Purpose - a website devoted to helping others start their online business by providing course creation & web design services that get you to the next level. We created a method that allows you to start a business and/or earn passive income so that you can live a life amd not work for aomeone else! And although, I cannot guarantee anyone’s success, the opportunities are endless online.

Our mission is to provide you with the tools and resources needed to develop your course and achieve success, such as our COURSE CREATION MASTERY and our Web Design services! We strive to make our courses engaging, inspiring and full of helpful insights that you can apply to your own venture. I'm so excited to help you discover the power & brilliance you hold!

If you want to learn more about me and my journey, click Read More below. If you want to start your own journey, check out our services to find out how!

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Welcome to Day 2 of your 7-Day Course Series: How does a course actually work when it comes to making money?


How to Create your Online Digital Course -7 day Blog Series!!