3 Biggest Reasons Beginners Fail in starting their business

The information provided is from my own experience and may not work for everyone. I am not a professional nor claim to be. Please read my disclaimer for more information.


One thing I get the most joy out of is helping others start their online business, but 3 of the biggest reason that people fail is not what you may think - it is not because they are not knowledgeable, educated, or experienced in the service they are trying to provide.

The biggest reason beginners fail is actually something that might seem small but yet, seems to be the biggest cause.

The crazy thing is that some may have 1 or even 2 out of the 3 - I had all 3!

What are they?

  1. Fear of Failure

  2. Fear of Success

  3. Fear of Judgement

Yep. These 3 are some of the main reasons we can get held back - not live our dreams - stop us from moving forward.

Another may be getting leads. Getting leads can be very difficult in a world full of others doing the same niche - which that is another topic all together (creating you a post for that - definitely one to look for!)


Back to FEAR of…

I have posted on fear of failure before, but I want to dig into all 3 of these with you again because it is so imperative to understand what these 3 can do to you when you are starting a business.


Fear of Failure is probably natural to a lot of people, including myself. I mean, how can you not fear failure? It kind of smacks you in the face.

But understanding that failure is absolutely necessary to success is what many do not understand… or that if you make a mistake, it does not have to mean the end. You can start over, learn from the mistake and take the pieces and put them back together but with a better understanding of what you need to do, and you can what you have and give it a facelift or upgrade.

But it is not always easy - as they say, “easier said than done.” And that is true! However, you have to look at it like this. Why did you put all your time and energy - that you cannot get back - into a service, product, website, blog, niche, etc. just to stop? Just saying this out loud makes it seem like the wrong thing to do!

Fear of failure is a big issue and I don’t want to disregard the fact that it can take all you have to keep going. It can absolutely lead you into a vast range of psychological issues, such as anxiety, low self-esteem, or shame. Just those 3 can have a outside affect on all that you do in your day to day life.

Overcoming this is imperative to move forward and you want TO MOVE FORWARD! Here are little ways to help you with this because above all, I want you to succeed. I want you to take that bull by the horns and say, “I got this. It is okay to fail. Failure will not beat me. It will only help me succeed.”


Her you go:


    • Thinking about why you started this in the first place can go a couple ways. You either say, ‘why did I start this"?’ or ‘What was I thinking, how did I get myself into this?’ However, you can also walk a different path and remind your self WHY you actually started this. Whether it was starting a business, building something, creating something, or just buying something that you felt would be an investment. Whatever it was, remind yourself,

      I did this because…

      • I wanted to make more money.

      • I wanted to help someone else.

      • I wanted to have something of my own.

      • I wanted to own my own business.

      • I wanted it so that I could take care of my family.

      • I wanted to do this because I deserve it and I love it.

      You have remind yourself that there was a reason that you did this and the only way to get around this is to keep going. Don’t quit what you wanted to do because of fear of failure. Failure IS THE ONLY way to get to success - so you are further than you know!


    • This goes right a long with not beating yourself up really. You have to be willing to keep going so you cannot beat yourself up to do this. It is so true that we as humans tend to beat ourselves up more than people out there in the world. Why not be the one person that keeps you going, encourages you, creates a loving relationship with yourself so that when these things happen, you know that you are not alone and can keep pushing to that goal.


    • This is a big one! You HAVE TO CELEBRATE every LITTLE, TINY success. It is very critical to your success. Not only will you feel better, but you will have a clear mindset on what your next step will be.

    • Finding and taking that moment to build yourself up is a way to overpower and shake off the thoughts of failure. You are one step closer to where you want to be and further than you were moments ago.


    • Do not be afraid to ask for help! Whether it is with online business, marketing, email campaigns, website design, taxes, or how to get leads. If you do not know, you are more than welcome to learn on your own and figure it all out, but there is always help out there that can get you to the next step so that you can start profiting, building, and/or educating. And no matter what it is, someone else out there is doing the same as you!


Let’s talk about FEAR OF SUCCESS. Many would not even think that this was a thing! But it really is. There is so much out there and when you have success, a lot comes along with it. Some of those things could be:

  • Not knowing what to do with their success.

  • Not having the right tools to keep your success.

  • Not having a good plan once you have success.

  • Not knowing how to add more for your clients once you get to the success level you wanted.

Now some of these may not even cross your mind, but they are real and if you do not know how to handle the situation, success can then seem like a negative versus a positive outcome.

BUT… there is always a way. You have to have a plan and it is a good idea to have these in place as soon as possible. I found out the hard way when it came to tax time. I was literally not prepared at all for March for my business my first year. Thankfully I had looked into a tax accountant prior and they helped me along the way, but even then, I was so out of it when it came to taxes.


Having the right tools for success is very important and the great thing about all of this is that you can find the help you need to make sure you not only succeed, but that you continue to build and grow.

Knowing how to get the right training is critical as well. Be careful not to pay for every single thing you feel you need to get there. That is what I did! And I went into debt over this! I don’t want that for anyone else.



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Checking the source, their website, and if they have some sort of social media that shows their face. I can say that if they do not have testimonials, or a portfolio, it does not necessarily mean that they do not have what you need because they absolutely could! In fact, I paid thousands of dollars to a company I thought had what I needed, and it turned out that they did not. I was in debt and had not gained anything from it. However, I DID get the tools I needed from beginner business and new startup hosts that literally cost me nothing and helped me build and profit beyond what I ever thought I could!

Do not fear success but make the plans you need ahead or now to make sure that you keep your success.

FEAR OF JUDGEMENT is right along with fear of success. Once you get to a point where you are success or starting to get noticed, there will always be that feeling that someone out there will have something to say that may hurt. You will feel judged, you will feel criticized, and you will feel like your world just got turned upside down, and that you did something wrong.

DO NOT think like this, in fact, I know very successful business owners that still to this day, even after all their success, get discouraged just a little when things like this happen, but they also know that they have success, they made it, and let those things go. Some even choose not to read anything that comes through or choose to distance themselves from the people that feel they need to judge their success. It might be something you have to do when you get to that point.

You will not be able to make everyone happy. It just doesn’t work when you are trying to succeed - that is because not everyone will understand your reasons, your business, or your way of life. In fact, professional and successful millionaires have said that sometimes their worst critic is their own family. And yes, this can happen. That is because they do not understand what you are doing.

Guess what? You DO NOT have to explain this to them, nor do you have to make them happy! Not that you can’t try, but if it is taking all that you have out of you to do this, then it may not be worth it. You cannot make them all happy!

A few things you can do to control the situation is…

  • Learn to be happy with yourself and your decision. Mistake or not, everyone makes them, so move forward from this and be happy with yourself for moving forward. This is important. If you are not happy with yourself, then moving forward will be so much harder.

  • Understand that you may have to distance yourself from the people in your life that seem to put you down, discourage you for your choice to do this, or have made you feel like a failure in anyway shape or form. Even if the person is close family, decide to not talk to them about your choice or your business. Allow it to speak for itself one day and if that doesn’t change them, then they were never going to be happy for you and you have to let that go.

  • Choose whether or not you want to read any of the comments people make. Now this does not apply to emails or comments that you may get that let you know that your product did not help or your service did not meet their needs. For these, take on and build from it! Create something better for them, offer them something for discount or free, or give them a refund (only if they did not receive the service electronically. They should not get a refund if they cannot return it.) - we want to be able to discourage a bad review if we can, but we may not always be able to.

    • Building good rapport with those that do not feel like they got what they needed can only help you in the future - offering to help is a great start. Be careful not to offer more than you need to though!

Just to recap, fear of failure, success, and judgement may be inevitable but there are ways to work around this! Keep pushing and make it to your goals and dreams. Failure is the way to success! Celebrate your small successes! Ask for help! Clean house of the people that bring you down!

You got this! You deserve it. Now tell yourself this every day!



Meet the Course Instructor & Creator of Inspire Purpose

Hey! I’m Rachel Hall and I created Inspire Purpose - a website devoted to helping others start their online business & provide web design services that get you to the next level. We created a method that allows you to start a business and/or earn extra income. And although, I cannot guarantee anyone’s success, the opportunities are endless online.

Our mission is to provide you with the tools and resources needed to develop your business and achieve success, such as our marketing courses and our web design services! We strive to make our courses engaging, inspiring and full of helpful insights that you can apply to your own venture. I'm so excited to help you discover the power of web design and marketing courses.

If you want to learn more about me and my journey, click Read More below. If you want to start your own journey, check out Your Journey to find out how!

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