2-Page Website

Perfect for businesses that need a clean, professional online presence without the complexity of a full-blown site

Build your Authority

Reach more people

Scale your Business

Share your Passion

Make a Difference

Achieve Financial Freedom

Elevate your Business for Success!


Whether you're just getting started or need a simple way to showcase your services, this package delivers everything you need in a streamlined, user-friendly design. It includes a homepage that highlights your brand and a secondary page for services, contact information, or any key content that supports your business goals.

inspire purpose

 Simply choose one of our templates that aligns with your brand, choose which 2 pages look best for you & your business, and check out.

You'll be up and running with your new website in no time, and the process is quick, painless, and designed to get you online fast.

With this package, you’ll be on your way to growing your business without the hassle of building a large, complex site.

Getting started is easy

  • Home Page: An engaging landing page that introduces your business, highlights key services or products, and captures visitor interest.

  • Contact, Services, or any Key Content that supports your business goals Page: Essential information, service page, a contact form, and/or possibly even a map if you have a physical location.

    • Video Tutorials: We walk you through how to navigate the basics of your website.

What’s included…

How to Know If It’s Right for You:

  • You’re just starting: If your business is new and you want a basic online presence to get started.

  • Simplicity is key: If you prefer a minimalistic approach and don’t need multiple pages or complex features.

  • Budget-conscious: Ideal if you’re looking to keep costs low while still having a professional website.

This package is ideal for…

Small businesses, freelancers, or entrepreneurs who want to make a strong first impression without overwhelming visitors with too much information.

It's especially great for service-based businesses, local shops, or personal brands looking to create a focused, easy-to-navigate online experience.

With just two well-crafted pages, you can...

Communicate what you do, why you're great at it, and how to get in touch—keeping it simple for both you and your visitors.

inspire purpose
Using a strategy-packed and easy-to-use template can be a game-changer 

Semi DIY can be creative & fun, but also give you a professional-looking website that is more accessible than ever before.

Click on a TEMPLATE below and check them out!

Inspired by you.

Inspired by you.



With our pre-designed layouts & features that help YOU stand out, you will not need to worry about the stress of doing all on your own!

These designs are customizable to fit YOU & YOUR business.



“You’re amazing and have truly been a beacon for my business”



You can browse through any of the beautiful templates I offer and pick the design that best suits your brand.

Once you've selected your favorite, just choose the two pages you want from that template.

Your homepage can be customized to reflect your business, and the second page can be whatever suits your needs—whether it’s a contact page, shop, blog, services, portfolio, or even an about page.

With this flexibility, you get a tailored site that fits your business perfectly without the extra fluff!