Why do we Care What People Think?

The information provided is from my own experience and may not work for everyone. I am not a professional nor claim to be. Please read my disclaimer for more information.


So, why do we care what people think?

A question that many will say, “I don’t care what people think…”

But this absolutely happens. To many people like you and me.

Well, the reasons can be varied and complex, but I want to jump into this and why we should be doing the opposite - and tips on how to do this. Okay, Let's jump in!

So, we all know, everyone wants to "fit in" "be like" - but do you really want to be like the world? Society? Especially in this day and age..?

Or.... do you want to be unique and different from the world and society?

Some people feel that they need to seek validation or approval from others, and when they do this, it helps boost self-esteem or feel a sense of belonging.

Others may fear rejection or judgment from others, leading them to conform to societal norms or expectations. Which in my opinion is the worst thing we can do - rather than show themselves, love themselves, let others see who they really are, they are now just another person that looks exactly like the other.

Additionally, social media and the internet have created a culture of comparison, where people feel pressure to present a certain image or persona to the world.

Ultimately, thinking this way - the desire to be accepted and valued by others - can drive people's concern about their perception by others. In other words, we are not actually seeing you, we are seeing what we see in everyone. There is nothing necessarily unique about it.

Think about this - you are always going to have those that just won’t like you, they will have the complete opposite opinion, or they will feel different about what you say or what you do. If this is the case, why not do you? Why not be you? People are going to come at you anyway, so be yourself, right?

Think about the celebrities in the world that are "different" from society. Those people have a lot of haters or people that talk shit all day like its their job.

Take Elon Musk for instance - Elon Musk is different and has a unique way of thinking about literally everything. But he does not care - and guess what, he lives a happier life because of it. Of course, he has a lot of people that love him too.

But you can literally be the most positive person in the world and still have people that really do not like you or will have something bad to say about whatever you are doing.

Some people have the closest people to them that even have negative things to say about them or what they are trying to do!

Unfortunately, as you all know, if you have 5 positive comments and 1 bad comment - that 1 bad comment will be on your mind all day!

Your mind tends to just go there - that 1 bad comment..... You think really deep and really hard about that comment and all the ways you can somehow change this..

But you cant! And you should not!!

There is no way you can please everyone, everywhere! It just wont happen so why not skip that bad comment and keep going?

Now here is something I really want you to think about - whenever you are taking advice or reading these opinions from others, you have to think about this...

Does this person really know what they are talking about?

Is this their profession?

Is this something they have a lot of experience and knowledge in?

Is this something they do every day or have done in the past?

Do they know what you are trying to do, what you have experienced, or what you are trying to build?

If the answer to those are NO, then are they just giving their opinion based on their own thoughts?

If the answer is NO, then why take their opinion personally? I know it can be easier said than done - to just let it go, but seriously, why take that 1 bad comment over the 5 positive comments?

Even if it is someone you love and are very close to you, sometimes you just have to let these negative comments go because guess what - their opinion really doesnt matter if they have never done what you are doing, do not have the background or experience in whatever it is you are doing. Let it go.

IF they are not doing what you are doing and have built a career or life with this profession, then why do they feel they need to give their opinion if you dont ask for it? It happens all the time!

That is literally what people do - they decide that they know more - even when they have never done it before and feel the need to give their opinion, when in reality, it DOES NOT MATTER.

In fact, there are not going to be too many people in your life where their opinion really matters when it comes to giving advice about something they have never done.

However, you will have 1 or 2 people that do know what they are talking about and give you advice - they have had experience, or they are making it big in the world that you are working towards. That is when you can absolutely take the opinion or advice they give - and it may not always be what you want to hear but guess what - they are where they are at and that is where you want to be.


A little side story of my own personal experience in this - a mentor that I had in my life at one time who was helping me work on my business videos.... This person is making millions and doing very good in the business, doing the same business that I wanted. I would make videos, and it would take me hours upon hours to do them, and I would send to him only just to have them come saying,

"your visual video and graphics are great, but what you have here wont work. Its just not there" Every single time. And then I would go back and do another one.. and another one...

And man, that was hard. I worked so hard on these and thought, oh this is the one.. but then to hear, no this is not going to work - was so hard and painful.

BUT... he was the one making it, he was the one that was literally making millions and doing what I wanted to do. So I took his advice, and I did what I needed to do, and redid my videos every single time.

I also had someone in my life that was very very close to me but knew nothing about my business or what I do - gave me their opinion about something that I needed to do and change in my business - sharing with me that they felt that I needed to do more of this and more of that and essentially made me feel a little sting in my heart.

I had to let it go and act as though I never got this from them. Their opinion ultimately did not matter because they had no clue what the business was about. And if I had done what they told me to do - it would have truly caused a lot more struggle because it was wrong.

Even the comments online or in email - do not take personally.

Remember that you are most definitely not going to please everyone so getting advice from someone out in the world that decides to make time to bring you down, it is absolutely not someone you need to think about. Constructive criticism is always welcome when they know the business and are successful.

Alright guys, until next time, Be Inspired. Inspire others. And Find your Purpose.


Meet the Course Instructor & Creator of Inspire Purpose

Hey! I’m Rachel Hall and I created Inspire Purpose - a website devoted to helping others start their online business & provide web design services that get you to the next level. We created a method that allows you to start a business and/or earn extra income. And although, I cannot guarantee anyone’s success, the opportunities are endless online.

Our mission is to provide you with the tools and resources needed to develop your business and achieve success, such as our marketing courses and our web design services! We strive to make our courses engaging, inspiring and full of helpful insights that you can apply to your own venture. I'm so excited to help you discover the power of web design and marketing courses.

If you want to learn more about me and my journey, click Read More below. If you want to start your own journey, check out Your Journey to find out how!

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