How to Create your Online Digital Course -7 day Blog Series!!

The information provided is from my own experience and may not work for everyone. I am not a professional nor claim to be. Please read my disclaimer for more information.



I decided to something a little bit different in my blogging and I call it the 7-day Blogging Series of How to Create Your Own Course!


The thing is, if you sign up for the 7-day blogging Series to go directly to your email, you get the FREE:

Course outline Workbook

Your Avatar Workbook & Template

If you are just going through the blog series without signing up, that is fine! Happy to have you here! In the blog series, you won’t have the workbooks, but you will absolutely learn a ton of great info!!

Here is why having a course outline and avatar are so incredibly vital to creating your own course:



Provides a roadmap - For both audience and instructor! It is the outline of what they will learn and in what order.

Time management - It are able to efficiently mange your time and cover the topics necessary within the allotted time.

Clear understanding - It absolutely helps your audience understand what they will be learning and how it relates to their own goals so they can stay focused and engaged.

Increases credibility and authority - If your outline is well-organized then it give the instructor credibility and shows authority for that topic, demonstrating expertise and professionalism.

Attracts audience - If your outline is detailed and clearly defines your target audience and the benefits, people are more likely to enroll, leading to increased profit.


Helps with marketing - When you identify your target audience, you are able to market your course better because you can send the right message to the right people, increasing profit.

Increases engagement & focus - When your course is tailored to the needs and preferences of your target market, it will resonate with them, increasing motivation to learn.

Increases retention - By clearly designing for the target audience, it will more likely meet their needs and interests, in turn improving retention and focus on that topic.

Builds know, like, & trust - When the audience feels that the course is specifically for them, they feel obligated to give back - they will more likely become loyal customers leading to increased profit.

Allows for customization - Understanding the target audience allows for customization of the course content and delivery, leading to a more personalized learning experience.





Can you tell I am excited about getting this information to you??


Because sharing "How to Create Your Own Course" can be extremely valuable to individuals who want to develop and offer their own courses. Meaning you!


This type of course can provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to create engaging and informative materials, design effective assessments, and deliver content in a way that will keep learners engaged.


Furthermore, I am hoping that it provides you with the confidence and motivation needed to start developing your own course!

See this to the left? Doesn’t it look amazing? Wouldn’t you like to be there, right now, sipping that drink?

Well!! Get ready! You are about to learn just how to make that happen when you create a course of your own!

Now, if you are new, please allow me to introduce myself and tell you my personal story…

How I Got Started online:

My name is Rachel, and I started my first course, Inspired Marketing Bootcamp, around the Fall of 2021. I remember struggling SO much at the beginning because like some of you, I had no clue how to get a course started or really the entire process of it. I had no experience, no marketing skill, and no tech skills.

I even invested in a few courses, e-books and training, but I still wasn’t getting what I wanted, nor the traffic!

Okay, let's be real here...
It wasn't getting traffic because I was inexperienced, had no confidence, and didn't know what I was doing. I honestly started feeling a little defeated - after all the time and effort I put in making the course and I was getting nothing back.

But let’s jump back a little…
I was working 50 or more hours a week, managing a referral medical dept for 17offices for the last 13 years and I really wanted to do something more. I had worked so hard for this company and really wasn’t getting back the respect I deserved from the company. I watched as they fired and let go one person after another within those 13 years and knew that soon, even though I gave them my time and energy, I would be that next person. They did not really care who the hurt nor how they hurt them. But I need a job and in our economy & our city, it was the best I could find.

Then one day, out of no where, they called me on the phone… Yes, I said called me… and HR and the COO said, “yeah, we are restructuring your dept, so this will be your last day.”

Not joking even a little. My entire team was in shock. I was in shock.
I asked why would I be the one to leave? What did I do? They said, “Oh, you did nothing wrong, we are just restructuring. You get a 2 week severance and please out all your stuff at the front.”

It was the most unprofessional, disrespectful way to let someone go, and I had been there working so hard for them for so long, I really didn’t know what to do. I mean, it was like I was getting divorced with my job.
I can say though, almost everyone that could, quit, and everyone else wanted to. They were family! It was really devastating.
Now, I had the time to build on my business, but this was not the way I wanted to do it. But I was not given a choice - so I took it and ran. I built my first 2 courses as I mentioned.

So now, I had those courses, and I was not making money. So I had a few friends take the course and tell me what they thought, and guess what?

They came back saying it was informative and very helpful!


Maybe it wasn't necessarily my course. Maybe it was the fact that I wasn't getting out there enough. (Not much for social media ;/ )

So, I really dug into what I needed to do to make money and how to get it out there. I researched and studied what people wanted and what they needed and finally I started making some headway.

I grew my email list from 0 to 700 within a couple days by using solo ads specifically for my niche. Solo Ads being a way to buy clicks through an experts email list for the same niche as me.


Finally, I had the confidence to get out there and push my course on Social media platforms and Pinterest. I started making money on it and believe me, I couldn't be more happy at that time.


Then I went on to make another course, Inspired Email Campaigns, where I get people to the next level in their email marketing and set up, which took fairly fast. I made a course on Squarespace Web Design, showing you how to get your website started and up.

And I fell IN LOVE with CREATING COURSES & WEB DESIGN! Now, I not only offer courses, but web design services as well! That is why I have created this newest course for you all! I put all my past experience and knowledge into one course and it has everything you need to create, market, and launch your course!

COURSE CREATION MASTERY is for you if you are ready to change your life! I have taken bits and pieces from it to give you this 7-day blog series, so I hope you enjoy!!


But listen!

This can be you too! Building a course is only the beginning BUT if that is all you want to do, you can make passive income doing it and truly make a living out of it!


If you're nervous, don't be! That's why you're here and I will teach you how to start. :)

You got this!

My friend, I REALLY REALLY want this for you… and I really want you to know how to do this…
If I can build a course, you can too. And Really Mean that!!

As long as you really want this and willing to put in the work, you can build a course and keep going!

You may be new or you may have a little knowledge of building a course. Either way, follow these steps and you will be on your way to creating a course that you can be proud of!

Maybe you’re a mom or dad with kids you have to take care of and lost your job…

Maybe your have been working at a horrible job for years and want something else for yourself.

Or maybe you just want to make money on the side.

 Whatever it is, creating your own course can be an incredibly rewarding experience, both personally and professionally. There are a number of benefits to creating your own course, including:


Control: When you create your own course, you have complete control over the content, structure, and delivery. This means you can tailor the course to your specific needs and ensure that it meets your objectives.


Flexibility: Creating your own course allows you to be flexible with your time and resources. You can create a course that fits around your schedule and that you can deliver at your own pace.


Expertise: Creating a course is an opportunity to showcase your expertise and knowledge on a particular subject. It can help you establish yourself as an authority in your field and build your personal brand.


Income: If you choose to sell your course, it can be a source of passive income. Once you've created the content, you can continue to sell it for years to come.


Impact: Sharing your knowledge and expertise can have a positive impact on others. By creating a course, you have the opportunity to help others learn and grow, which can be incredibly rewarding.


Overall, creating your own course can help you establish yourself as an expert in your field, generate passive income, and make a positive impact on others!

This is what you will be learning in this jam-packed course: 

Day 1:  So what is a course exactly?

  • You will learn how to profit by creating your own course! This can be passive income or a full-time career – it all depends on you!

  • Who can Create a Course

  • Learning Objectives


Day 2: How does a course actually work when it comes to making money?

  • Structure

  • Curriculum

  • Profit

  • Assessment

  • Interaction

  • Goal


Day 3: What kind of course can you create?

  • Countless types of courses

  • Benefits of making a course

  • Your Resources


Day 4: Developing your course idea.

  • Selecting your topic & knowledge

  • Choose a niche/topic

  • Example niche


Day 5: Identify your target audience.

  • Identifying your target audience.

  • Ways to do this.

  • Your avatar

  • My Ideal Avatar


Day 6: Building your course!

  • Creating an Outline

  • Example content creation outline

  • Developing your content

  • Choosing a platform

  • Tools to create your course

  • Getting ready to launch your course

  • Rewards


Day 7: Where to present your course & how to market it.

  • Should you use a Website

  • YouTube

  • Reaching your target audience

  • Market your course

  • Do I need a Website?

  • Credibility

  • Managing and improving your course

Although, it does not have nearly the amount of information as the course, I hope you're ready for this intense and epic journey on How to Create Your Own Course! I will cover what beginner and intermediate course creators should know about building a course to profit.


Stay tuned for tomorrow’s first lesson - What is A Course Exactly?

If you have any questions, just send me an email!

I really hope you're as excited as I am and READY TO GET STARTED ON YOUR NEW COURSE!





You get:

  • Lifetime access to the COURSE CREATION MASTERY: From Idea to Launch

  • Templates + more templates

  • 13 Module Video Course

  • 6 Workbooks for course creation ease

  • Bonus #1: Mini-Course for the Perfect Lead Magnet

  • Bonus #2: My Sales Funnel Template & breakdown

  • Bonus #3: Your Course Outline Workbook &

  • PowerPoint

  • Bonus #4: Mini-Course on Scaling with Pinterest

  • Bonus #5: Huge Giveaway!


  • How to identify the perfect course topic

  • Creating a course from scratch

  • Learn what it takes to structure your course

  • How to create engaging course content

  • How to effectively market your course by identifying your target audience

  • You will learn the many options of promoting your course using different marketing channels

  •  You will learn the series of steps that guide your potential customers through the buying process, called a sales funnel

  • This course will show you the different types of online course platforms available and which one might be the best fit for their course

  • How to create effective email campaigns that help them connect and promote their course

  • You will know how to start your email list, segment your list, and create mailing lists for success

  • Creating a launching calendar that helps them plan and execute a successful course

  • Learn how to track their course's success and adjust their strategy accordingly



Meet the Founder

Hey! I’m Rachel Hall and I created Inspire Purpose - a website devoted to helping others start their online business by providing course creation & web design services that get you to the next level. We created a method that allows you to start a business and/or earn passive income so that you can live a life amd not work for aomeone else! And although, I cannot guarantee anyone’s success, the opportunities are endless online.

Our mission is to provide you with the tools and resources needed to develop your course and achieve success, such as our COURSE CREATION MASTERY and our Web Design services! We strive to make our courses engaging, inspiring and full of helpful insights that you can apply to your own venture. I'm so excited to help you discover the power & brilliance you hold!

If you want to learn more about me and my journey, click Read More below. If you want to start your own journey, check out our services to find out how!

Read More


Welcome to Day 1 of your 7-Day Course Series: What is a course exactly?


Why it is Important to have an Outline for Your Course