My Favorite Hacks for Squarespace

The information provided is from my own experience and may not work for everyone. I am not a professional nor claim to be. Please read my disclaimer for more information.


You love Squarespace and are looking for some hacks? Good! I got you covered!

I have found that Squarespace is one of the best platforms there is because of its easy navigation and all their detailed instructions to go through every part of their platform, but it is so nice when you come across posts that get you what you want faster!

I know I love it!

So, I have created a list below of some of my favorite hacks in Squarespace that really just helps your process go a little faster!

Template Choice

Okay, one of the most important things to remember is to think about niche when and before you are choosing your templates. Whether you are choosing one for yourself or you are choosing for a client, you need to think about what the service or product is about and which template would benefit the most.

As I look through them, I always make sure that I am thinking of the niche and which template would be good for navigation for a client. I don’t really pay attention to images, color, or font as much as I look at elements, blocks, and style - what would work well with this service/product.

In other words, if I am working with a client that has counseling services and will have some sort of membership, I look at the option for members and scheduling.

Even if the template is for something not related to counseling, does it have all the elements that I need or would like to start with?

This example below shows a preview for Yoga. To me, it is calming and cozy, plus it already has navigation options that would work well with my counseling client that would really fit.


Looking at this template, I would say there is a nice flow, and I would be able to create counseling/therapy site with the same idea they have here.

When you have a template that has elements that you could use rather than the color and font or even if it is the same as your niche, it makes website design life so much easier when you choose based on the tools, elements, and design.

I know that sounds silly, but let me tell you - this hack really does do a lot for you when you are needing to work with a client quickly and seamlessly!

But even if you are choosing for yourself - you do not want to have redesign every single element in the template because you liked the font or color of it rather than the elements that you may have needed.

Prepping your content in one place

When you are ready with your template and you got an idea of what your niche is, go ahead and go through all your content and start naming them, saving them in one folder (title each something that has to do with your niche!), and then adding them to your new site.

This not only saves time, but it also keeps you organized and on the same niche and plan for your site. Sometimes it is easy to get lost in looking for ideas to add to your new site and it can become overhelming or you can even start giong down a different path not related to your niche!

I have come across a lot of websites that have a great start with their home page but when I start going down, they now have added everything they could grab and added to it and now I’m lost. You want to stay on the same path - you want to promote your service/product with educational information and is easy or has a smooth navigation, so that the audience knows for sure what you have, how you can help them, and how it benefits them.

They do not care that you just got your degree in a completely different field and you are so happy. No offense to anyone but having all your content ready - you stay on track.

Writing out your color & fonts

One of the easiest but most realiable tool I use is my sticky notes or my Onenote so that I can write out all the color hex numbers, the font, and even my images i’ll use for a page. I am so serious here!

Going back and forth trying to figure out which color you used or liked - but you cant figure it out so you are trying to find it again so you can add to your site design in Squarespace - this is something that can take up your time, and get quite frustrating!

Write them down. Keep them in a quick and available spot where you can just copy and paste and BAM! Movin on!

Which brings me to the next hack:

Design site edits/styles first!

Okay… You may think that this would not work for you, but it serisouly is the best. Go through your Squarespace Design site styles first! Pick out your colors, fonts, each style you are wanting, such as what color you want for a section, what font you want as your header or paragraph, or even what you want each of your buttons to look like.

This saves time! Plus, I find it fun to choose the specific colors and fonts! You got your colors and fonts that you found, now see if they work together for you on Squarespace platform and make it your own!

I even have a mood board on my site that I use specifically for this. I type out a few words, add a few buttons, and the go through it and edit to my liking. I do this simply because when I am in the middle of designing and feel I need to change something, I may not have everything that has to change on that page… but my mood board does, and I can change it quickly.

Try it out!






Okay, these last two are probably my absolute favorite.

The Save 🤍 button on each section

I literally fill this up all the time. Each section in the Squarespace 7.1 has the save button on each section in a page so you can save that page and either place that design somewhere else, use it later, use it in multiple places, or do whatever with it AND NOT HAVE TO REDO THE PAGE!

Oh, I love this one! It has saved me so much time.

If I need a page to look somewhat like another page, I save it, go to another page and use that saved template- you can change it up m, but all the essential content that you might need is there!

And last,

Squarespace Duplicate feature

This feature is so nice! Especially when someone wants me to create a site using the same template or at least the design. I just hit duplicate website and BAM! There it is!

You can use this on your blog, section, page, and even your full site!

It makes it easy to get your client the design they liked and your still able to keep your original template.

Or even better, your blog! You keep one that is set up for you to duplicate each time and not mess with all the hassle of putting the same information on the blog - you have it already done and just start blogging.

Saves time and you get more done this way!

Ready to start your website? Need a custom design that tells your story while also showing your unique style and service/product to your audience?

I would love to help you! Let's chat!


Meet the Course Instructor & Creator of Inspire Purpose

Hey! I’m Rachel Hall and I created Inspire Purpose - a website devoted to helping others start their online business & provide web design services that get you to the next level. We created a method that allows you to start a business and/or earn extra income. And although, I cannot guarantee anyone’s success, the opportunities are endless online.

Our mission is to provide you with the tools and resources needed to develop your business and achieve success, such as our marketing courses and our web design services! We strive to make our courses engaging, inspiring and full of helpful insights that you can apply to your own venture. I'm so excited to help you discover the power of web design and marketing courses.

If you want to learn more about me and my journey, click Read More below. If you want to start your own journey, check out Your Journey to find out how!

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