How to Create your Evergreen Course that Sells Forever!


The information provided is from my own experience and may not work for everyone. I am not a professional nor claim to be. Please read my disclaimer for more information.


Hey Moms!! You want a way to make money, quit your 9-5, be with your family more, and work anywhere in the world??


Well, what I am about to tell you is literally the #1 way to generate income and do it forever!

Have you ever thought about your passion being something that you could teach someone else how to do? Or maybe you have knowledge or expertise in an area that you wouldn’t mind talking about every day?

Whether you have experience, expertise, a passion (which I am hoping you do), you can still do this!


Yes. Creating your own course is exactly what I am referring to. Think about what goes on YouTube, TikTok, or just random live video - most of the time someone is teaching the audience how to do something!! You are going to do the same.

I am going to walk you through this and give you a little insight and if you need more help, I got you! COURSE CREATION MASTERY can get you through course creation, marketing it, and launch!

But for now, let’s do!


First thing you want to do so choose a topic that has long-term relevance. An evergreen course should be on a topic that is unlikely to become outdated quickly.

This could be a ton of different topics but to give you some examples:


  • Consider the different stages of parenting (e.g. infancy, toddlerhood, adolescence) and create modules that address the specific challenges and opportunities of each stage.

  • Provide practical tips and strategies for common parenting issues, such as discipline, communication, and building positive relationships.

  • Bring in experts or guest speakers to share their insights and experiences with your learners.

  • Include case studies or scenarios to help learners apply what they've learned to real-life situations.


  • Start with the basics, such as budgeting, saving, and managing debt.

  • Include information on different types of investments, from stocks and bonds to real estate and cryptocurrencies.

  • Address common financial goals, such as buying a home, saving for retirement, or paying for college.

  • Provide resources and tools to help learners track their expenses, set financial goals, and make informed decisions.


  • Consider different dimensions of wellness, such as physical, emotional, mindset, social, and spiritual.

  • Provide information on different types of exercise, nutrition, and self-care practices.

  • Address common health concerns, such as stress, sleep, and chronic conditions.

  • Encourage learners to set personal health goals and track their progress over time.

Whatever your course topic is, just make sure that it is valuable information. This is the most important here because you want your audience to get the results they are looking for, - which means - ALWAYS GO BY YOUR IDEAL CUSTOMER! Which takes me to our next topic.


The only reason people buy is USUALLY to solve a problem of some sort. This means that you will need to provide that solution for them! The best way I can tell you how to do this is by starting from the end!

Write out your learning objectives - exactly what you want your audience to learn by the end of the course - and then work from those. In my video training, ‘name of video training’ I go through this a little more extensively and it is also from CCM (Course Creation Mastery.)

A couple more course example I know people would purchase would be, “How to reduce stress for busy moms” or “Budgeting for families with young Children.” Here are some examples of solving these moms pain points:


One of the biggest challenges parents face is finding enough time in the day to get everything done. A course on time management can teach parents how to prioritize tasks, delegate responsibilities, and/or create schedules that work for their family's unique needs.

HEALTHY MEAL PLANNING FOR FAMILIES (One I would definitely purchase!!)

Preparing nutritious meals for a family can be time-consuming and overwhelming so a course that that would be amazing would be on healthy meal planning and teaching parents how to plan and prepare meals that are nutritious, delicious, and budget-friendly.


I know all too well that understanding a child’s development and behavior can help parents navigate the challenges of raising children. A course on this topic can teach parents about developmental milestones, common behavioral issues, and effective discipline strategies.

⤷ (Side note) My first 2 children would literally perfect! My last one, although perfect, there were some crazy years when we did not understand what he was going through. I went to a specialist and found that he had Sensory Processing Disorder. From there we were able to navigate through everything, so this is another great course.


I don’t know about you, but I have an issue with keeping my shoes in one place. I know, its the worst but I do not have much room in my closet for them!! This would be helpful to so many people… Or at least me!

A cluttered home can add stress to an already busy life. A course on home organization and decluttering can teach parents how to create a more organized and functional living space, making it easier to keep their home clean and tidy.

Any of the courses that I have mentioned are absolutely doable and needed. The key is putting in the time and energy and making them valuable. Busy moms and families gain valuable skills and knowledge that can help!


No matter what course you decide on, there needs to be content that is engaging, informative, and easy to follow. Think about it like this. Someone looking for a course or even just looking to find som help with something, wants something that is DONE FOR THEM, EASY, FAST, & VALUABLE. They want to see a result and they want it now.

Now although we cannot give them everything they want - we are going to come as close as possible to it! That being said, you can create engaging content that keeps them motivated, focused, and interested and the way to do this is having different types of formats. You can have a variety such as videos, audio recordings, and written material. That way you are ensuring that the content is accessible to a wide range of customers, regardless of their learning style! That could like:

  • Videos can be especially helpful for visual learners, as they can see concepts and ideas in action

  • Audio recordings can be useful for auditory learners, who may prefer to listen to lectures or discussions rather than reading written materials

  • Written materials are important for learners who prefer to read and take notes, or who may need to refer back to information at a later time

It is just better all the way around to offer different formats for the best learning experience - plus you will be providing a unique selling proposition buy doing this. Not everyone out there does this and it is NEEDED!


Okay, so offering valuable bonuses and or promotional stuff is a great way to attract potential customers! This can be your lead magnet (something that brings in your traffic (simply meaning ‘people’) and when you give them something , they give you something back in return - their email address!) You MUST build and email list!! This is very important so start giving your stuff away!


(Grab this free Email Building Checklist which includes Lead generation tips!)

Okay, so if you need a little help with this, here are some additional ideas for offering incentives!!

build email list

Here are some additional ideas for offering incentives to potential students:

  • Access to a private Facebook group or online community where they can connect with other learners and the instructor

  • A discount on a related product or service

  • A certificate of completion or achievement upon finishing the course

  • A free trial period for a related software or tool

  • A personalized consultation with the instructor or a subject matter expert

  • Access to exclusive content or bonus materials not available elsewhere

  • A money-back guarantee or satisfaction guarantee

  • A referral program where students can earn rewards for referring others to the course

Remember, offering valuable incentives can help differentiate your course from others and encourage more people to enroll. Make sure to promote your incentives prominently on your course landing page and in your marketing materials to attract potential students!


Alright alright alright!! Now… Once you have your course all ready and your lead magnets, also known as opt-in, is is essential that you promote. You will need a plan and a schedule!

As you know, you can promote on your social media platforms or Pinterest, or even YouTube - wherever you want , but keep in mind you are looking to promote where your target audience hangs out.

There are a couple of different ways to do this and you will want to do all of them at some point. You do not have to start out like that but if you already have a email list, go for it! You have:

Social Media platform,

Email Marketing,

Paid Advertising

The thing is, you have to be able to promote as you reach a wide r audience and this in turn increases your chances of success!! Which is what we want!

As a mom, creating an evergreen course can be an excellent way to make money while still being able to take care of your family. You can create the course around a topic that you are passionate about and that you have expertise in.

To get started, you will need to identify a topic and create a plan for your course. You can then create the content, set up a platform to host your course, and start promoting it to potential customers. With time and persistence, your evergreen course can become a great source of passive income!!

Until next time, STAY INSPIRED!

Thank you for checking the blog out!

Please let me know in the comments if you have any questions! Follow me on YouTube or Instagram, @inspiredmarketing for more inspiration!

Course Creation







Meet the Founder

Hey! I’m Rachel Hall creator of Inspire Purpose - a website devoted to helping others start their online business by providing course creation & web design services that give your how-to videos, courses, tips, tricks, & updates. We created a method that allows you to start a business and/or earn passive income so that you can live a life of your dreams and quit the 9-5!

Grab my launch plan and calendar!

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Identifying your Target Audience


The Importance of Lead Generation & Building your Email List