How Creating your own course can lead to Financial Freedom!

The information provided is from my own experience and may not work for everyone. I am not a professional nor claim to be. Please read my disclaimer for more information.


Creating an online course can provide a significant source of passive income. How? Well, once you create your course, it can sell forever with minimal effort on your part!

Doesn’t that sound wonderful??

With the right marketing strategy and content, you can attract a wide audience and generate a steady stream of revenue. It can truly be a game-changer for your financial future!

How can a course provide this? It seems so simple - almost too easy - but it can!

The thing is, a course can be simple IF, and only IF, you have the right tools, know & understand a few things about course creation, & you have the motivation to keep going.

By creating an online course, you are diversifying your income streams. This means that you are not solely reliant on one source of income, which can be risky.

With an online course, you can earn money while you DREAM!!

And your potential for scalability is endless.

The best thing about creating your own course?

It does not require a huge investment. All you need is a computer, internet connection, and a platform to host your course. This means that you can start small and grow your course as your business grows. That is exactly how you so it!

The thing is you can reach a global audience. This means that you are not limited by geography, and you can sell your course to anyone with an internet connection. This also means that you can potentially earn more money as you are not limited by the size of your local market.

What does that mean for you exactly??

That means, the faster you learn how to create your course, market your course, launch your course & start your email automations - the faster you will start making passive income!

No joke! I am doing it!

You DO NOT need to be an expert, NOPE! In fact, I got started with no experience in marketing, sells, tech - I just needed more money and wanted to find something better for me and my family. However, what it DOES DO for you when you create your own course is make you an expert in your field! This can lead to additional opportunities such as coaching, events, and creating e-books… I mean the possibilities are virtually endless.

Plus, you have the flexibility to work from anywhere in the world!

Okay, let me say that again…


This means that you can travel, spend time with your family, and work on your own schedule. Ultimately it means BE YOUR OWN BOSS.

Creating your own course gives you freedom. Have you ever thought about writing your “freedom” list?

Well, I did. I wanted certain things that I know would make me feel “free.” I wanted:

My kids to have certain things that I did not have…

To be able to buy groceries and not worry that I could not pay the bills…

Not worry about paying the BILLS!

Be able to actually go on vacation and not worry about when to get back and working WHILE on “vacation” when working for someone else…

To be able to get up, go to my patio, read my bible, with no time restraint. To sit out there and actually ENJOY a cup of joe.

I didn’t want much - I wanted what I feel everyone deserves. You know what I mean??

SO, how do you do this… create a course that can sell forever with minimal effort?

First and foremost. I am not saying it does not take work - because it does. And I am not saying that everyone will make money overnight - or even money at all. It really depends on YOU. The possibility is absolutely, 100%, there!

If you really want to a change in your own life - if you want to quit that 9-5 and start spending time with the people matter - if you want to build a life you enjoy…

Then start here.

Keep your course content evergreen:

Avoid using trendy topics that may become irrelevant in a few years. Instead, focus on timeless topics that will continue to be relevant in the future. Some topics like that would be:

Digital marketing of any kind, finance, health and wellness, relationship, mindset and or therapy, any type of fitness, and business.

Update your course regularly:

Even if your course content is evergreen, it's important to stay up to date with it so you can keep it fresh and relevant. The online world changes so much so it will need to change with it. The great thing about this is, once you create your course, the hard part is out of the way! To update it, you just take feedback or see what your competitors are doing and update where necessary.

This will also show your clients that you are actively engaged and invested in the course. This builds know, like, and trust with your own clients and that is when you can upsell.

Use marketing automation tools:

Use tools like email marketing campaigns & automation and social media automation to automatically promote your course to potential students without much to do on your side. I go through all of this in Course Creation Mastery, but it is important to set this up because that is where your passive income comes from as well! Something is triggered when a potential customers does something, and it works on its own!

By doing this, you reach a wider audience without having to spend a lot of time and effort on marketing as well. But, again, it does not happen over night - HOWEVER, it can happen this year! Give yourself 3-4 months and if you are doing it right, you will see it!

Leverage word-of-mouth marketing:

Don’t be afraid to encourage your existing students to refer their friends and colleagues to your course! This is a great way to be seen. This is actually how I had to start because I did not have social media when I started all this. I still hate it haha. But I needed it for my business. But with the help of friends and family, I was able to get around to many areas I wouldn’t have since I had not been on social media!

You can offer incentives like discounts or freebies to students who successfully refer new students. This is great because everyone loves free stuff and you can get reviews and feedback that matters! Put this on your website or landing page and

BAMMM! You are already looking like you are the expert in your field!

You can even consider offering lifetime access to your course content. This is a great way to provide more value to your students, but it will also ensure a steady stream of passive income for you.

So, that is it! That is how you creating a course of your own can lead to financial freedom!! If you need help, I am here to help! Check out the freebies and video training to get you started!

Until next time, as always, STAY INSPIRED!







Meet the Founder

Hey! I’m Rachel Hall and I created Inspire Purpose - a website devoted to helping others start their online business by providing course creation & web design services that get you to the next level. We created a method that allows you to start a business and/or earn passive income so that you can live a life and not work for someone else! And although, I cannot guarantee anyone’s success, the opportunities are endless online.

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The Importance of Lead Generation & Building your Email List


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