Ever thought about Repurposing your content??

The information provided is from my own experience and may not work for everyone. I am not a professional nor claim to be. Please read my disclaimer for more information.




Hey, guys. Have you ever thought about repurposing your course content? Repurposing your course content is a great way to make course material, and you save time and effort. But if you don't have a course, repurposing your blog or your podcast, you can create a course, and you save time and resources while reaching a wider audience.

Let's look at all those.

First one, you can take a module or a lesson or both, and you can create course material or a lead magnet out of that module and lesson. Now, I do talk about this a lot in both my Passion to Profit and Passion Course Startup Kit. But what you would do is you take your module or your lesson and you create maybe a mini course, or you create a lead magnet, or you can create different types of material that you can use to maybe draw in traffic.

There are so many different things that you can take your course content and create different materials out of. It's just a great way to show what you have to offer and then just give everybody a little taste of what you can provide in different types of solutions and different types of content to show the solutions that you might provide for them.

That's just one thing.

Now, you could also take another, say your module or a lesson and you can create a blog out of that. So, if you're working on SEO, if you're working on attracting more traffic, creating a blog is a great way if you don't have YouTube videos or anything else, but you can do both.

So you can take something like a lesson that's talking specifically about something and you can turn that transcript into a blog, or you can create a YouTube video out of that lesson. You can create a podcast out of your modules and your lessons.

Say you have five modules and we'll say 13 lessons. Those 13 lessons can be turned into a podcast where you teach something each, you know, day, another thing, another day. It doesn't even have to be long. That's a great thing about a podcast. It can be 15 minutes. You know, I have some great people that I listen to on podcast and every day they post, it's about 15 minutes and it's just wonderful, but you can make it longer or you can make it shorter, but that's just a great way to add to what you already have and taking your course content and just repurposing it. There's so many different ways that you can repurpose your course content so that you can ultimately grow your audience & grow your business.

You want to attract more people? Make more blog posts. If you want to attract a certain target audience, create a YouTube video, you might even reach a new audience of potential customers doing that as well because people listen to different things. People hang out at different places and your target audience might be hanging out… at a podcast!

So, when you have a course, you will need to launch, so you want to promote it. Making a Short on YouTube is a great way, or even making a short, tiny video, like 60 seconds even. You can use it for a short on YouTube, but you can also post it on your social media platforms or you can also post it in Pinterest.

These are great great ways to reach a wider audience and push out more content while showing what you offer, but just giving a little taste so they can they can see how valuable your course content is.

You can create images. You can create visuals. You can break down your course into smaller sessions and keep your audience focused, keep them motivated and keep them engaged. And by providing visual aid for students, they will be more encouraged to learn. On top of that, you can share all this on social media platforms. So, that kind of takes out all that effort in having to create all kinds of new things when you have your course content and you're just grabbing little pieces from it.

Whether it's material like workbooks or templates or it's videos or it's podcasts, you can share all of that and start building and growing, and bring in a wider audience.

Finally, you can take your course content, create anything that I mentioned and you can sell those and you can give them away for free. It can be a lead magnet. It can attract more audience. It brings interest and it serves a purpose. It is showing them that you have something great to offer. It's a great solution, but your main course, this is what they really need, what they really want, and by you creating or repurposing any of your content, it's going to show them that! It's going to show what you have in your course because you are just taking something from your main course content and creating a smaller version of a video and post it or use for an event.

YouTube is a great place to put it if anything's under 60 seconds, you can make a short out of it.

Now, what if you didn't have a course? How could you create a course out of the content that you already have? Well, more than likely you're going to have a niche and a direction of what you will talk about. What do you teach somebody in your blogs? That's what blogs are for. You're telling somebody either how to do something, you're educating them on something, and most of the time, it's also something that you like to talk about!

It may even be a hobby or something that you're passionate about. Now, you can take that blog, or a few of those blogs… all of those blogs… and you can create a course.

You're going to have to rearrange some wording and probably have to move some things here, but think of it like this. You're going to have a bunch of slides and you're going to put different things on those slides. Start adding sections. We'll call them categories.

Everything that's under that category you're going to talk about. In a few of these slides, everything that's on that category, you're going to talk about a few of these slides, everything that's on this category, you're going to talk about in a few more slides. Now put it all together, make it cohesive and create a course out of it.

Another thing that's kind of on that same level is taking a blog post that's specifically discussing a certain topic. Whether it's how to do something or whether it's educating somebody on something and you're going to take it, you're going to create a video out of it. You can use slides and you can use visuals, and you're going to go in a little bit more in depth on that topic and create a video.

Now, it doesn't necessarily have to be a course. But it is a great way to repurpose your blogs. It's a great way to take an eBook and repurpose that by creating videos or by creating podcasts. There's just so many options that you have.

So, whether you have a course or not, you can repurpose your content, your course content, blog content, podcast, and your YouTube content.

You can create a wider audience by doing that. Does that make sense?

Then of course you can take your blog post and you can create social media posts. So those are just some great ways that will save time, save effort, save resources, but create a wider audience.

So repurposing is definitely the way to go. If you have a course, if you don't have a course, if you want a course, if you just want to expand, this is how you would do it. I hope that you guys have a great day and I cannot wait to see you in the next video.

Until next time, STAY INSPIRED!

Thank you for watching!

Please let me know in the comments if you have any questions! Follow me on Instagram, @inspiredmarketing.








Meet the Founder

Hey! I’m Rachel Hall creator of Inspire Purpose - a website devoted to helping others start their online business by providing course creation & web design services that give your how-to videos, courses, tips, tricks, & updates. We created a method that allows you to start a business and/or earn passive income so that you can live a life of your dreams and quit the 9-5!

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