Hosting a Course Challenge!

The information provided is from my own experience and may not work for everyone. I am not a professional nor claim to be. Please read my disclaimer for more information. I use affiliate links for products I use. If you click and purchase, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you!

Hey All 👋

I hosted one of my first free live challenges, 5 Key Elements in Creating & Launching your Own Course for my course creation side of the business a while back and I wanted to take you through that process and share how I did it, the mistakes that I made, and how to turn your challenge into a success! I actually love to do FREE trainings - it is one of my favorite things that I am able to provide for my audience, but this was the first LIVE event I did so I want to bring you valuable information in hopes you can implement in your own challenge!

Create your Challenge

Once you have an idea of what you want your mini-course/challenge to be about, start creating it. You want it to be relevant to your main course and if possible, something that your target audience will benefit from. Make sure you create visuals, videos, templates, and/or stuff to giveaway! ❤ (That is the best part!)

Name your Challenge

Once you have your mini-course finished and your templates/workbooks done, then you have to name your challenge! This can be fun so make it fun! 🎉 I found that my name for my first challenge was too long and too serious. For my second challenge, I made sure that I named it something a little shorter! Course Creation Challenge. Now, I am working on my next 4 Day Online Challenge so be sure to register if it is still open! (We have a challenge every few months!)

Start your promotions

Now, is the time to start promoting and giving away stuff!! This will be about 4-6 weeks in advance. For my first challenge, I only gave myself a couple weeks and it just was NOT enough time. I didn’t send out enough pre-launch 📹 emails or promotional material AND when the time came for the live event… well, I had not tested out everything like I should have. I will tell you what happened soon. It was awful.

But right now, it’s time to go all in with your promo. You will want to share it everywhere and anywhere you can or where you have an audience. You will want to share it all day and everyday - tons of promo!! You can do social posts, reels, stories, emails, Pinterest Pins, and anything else you might be on.

Choose a hosting platform & preparing for 3 days live

When I had my course ready, I decided to use YouTube. It was free so why not?? 💸 Well, when it came to starting the live event, nothing worked! My video, my screen, the recording… you name it, it didn’t work.

I had to let everyone know that it would be the next day before we could start and that unfortunately hurt me as not everyone that had registered the first day, showed up. 😞

I resent the registration form so that they could register under Teams for the next day and although it worked, I was not able to record every day for a workshop.

However, I learned my lesson on that one and I made sure that my platform and everything I needed was in order on my next challenge!

Teams was free as well and it worked just fine, but if you want to record it, you will need a separate system to do that. I was able to do that on my second challenge so that I could use it as a pre-recorded workshop! 📹

Get ready to go live

When you have picked out your platform, you have a quiet space to launch, you have everything in place such as your microphone, lights, comfy chair, and your webcam! I actually use the Logitech C920x HD Pro Webcam and it works great! I also use the Torjim Softbox Photography Lighting Kit - both are not expensive at all so definitely look into getting these to start out!!

Once you have all you need make sure you TEST IT ALL OUT! Just a suggestion though 😲That means your internet, all your tech and systems, and your video slides you may use.

Preparing the last 2 days of my challenge

Since I had challenges for each day, I set up a Facebook page where they could put their answers to the challenge questions. I gave everyone a time frame so that I could go in and enter everyone’s name that attended and did the challenge into a drawing for the end of challenge. 🥳

I email automation is continuing to send out emails in case any potential customers want to join for the last 2 days (and it does happen!) The automation definitely takes away some stress as I go through the challenge process.

Last day of challenge

Once I am on the last day, I feel accomplished!! It was a success and I enjoyed every minute of talking to my audience! I love to teach so starting these challenges really changed my view on it around - along with my business! It was a game changer for sure.

I got feedback from them and answered any questions they sent me. The feedback was great because it allowed me to update some things on my course and to add their reviews to my website!

You want to monitor and get feedback any time you do a challenge or an event, or even when someone buys your course as it helps you grow and just become an expert in your field!

Please let me know if this helped you and your future launch or challenge!

Until next time, STAY INSPIRED!

Thank you for checking the blog out!

Please let me know in the comments if you have any questions! Follow me on YouTube or Instagram, @inspiredmarketing for more inspiration!








Meet the Founder

Hey! I’m Rachel Hall creator of Inspire Purpose - a website devoted to helping others start their online business by providing course creation & web design services that give your how-to videos, courses, tips, tricks, & updates. We created a method that allows you to start a business and/or earn passive income so that you can live a life of your dreams and quit the 9-5!

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