Identifying your Target Audience


The information provided is from my own experience and may not work for everyone. I am not a professional nor claim to be. Please read my disclaimer for more information.



Today we talk about the steps you take for one of the most crucial part of your course success.

Hi, I’m Rachel with Inspire Purpose! I am a web designer and course creator sharing tips and information hoping to empower others to create their own course!

So, what exactly is that crucial step?

Identifying your target audience and their needs!

So, I am here to provide you with some steps you can take to effectively identify your target audience!

Define your course topic and the problem it is solving:

Why does this matter? Well, when you clearly define what your topic is and what it can do, it will help you understand who your target audience should be.

Research.. I know I know.. We hear this all the time but it is true.. You need to do your research. The online world changes constantly, so you should just do a little research to gain insight into who your potential customers are and what they are needing. Find out what results they are wanting or are looking for.

Create your ideal customer:

Avatar! This is your ideal customer! You need to create your avatar. I go through this more in-depth in my program Course Creation Mastery, but ultimately you create a persona or character that is essentially your target. You are talking to her/him, helping him/her, sharing all your benefits with this person, and solving this persons problems. Grab the free Avatar workbook & Template!

What are their pain points?

What are their needs?

What problems do they face?

What are their aspirations?

Where do they come from and or what would stop them from buying for you???

Those are some questions you can answer to create that avatar and start selling directly to that person!

Okay, so to create your ideal customer avatar, start by gathering demographic information such as age, gender, income level, and location. Then, answer the questions above & consider their goals, challenges, and pain points related to your niche/topic.

Are they struggling to [hurdle that you know they may have]?

Do they find it difficult to [a pain point]?

Understanding their motivations and obstacles will help you create content that addresses their specific needs. Consider their values and interests.

Are they passionate about [topic or cause]?

Do they value [ what values or beliefs do they have]?

Understanding their values and interests will help you create a course that aligns with their beliefs and resonates with them on a deeper level.

Style & format for your target audience:

Next, think about their preferred learning style and format. Are they visual learners who prefer video content? Or do they prefer written materials they can read at their own pace?

Knowing this information will help you create content that is easy to consume and keeps them engaged. This is vital as well so make sure you create content that they will find interesting!

Sending the right message to your audience:

If you are able to determine your target audience and answer these questions, you will be able to tailor your messages & marketing efforts to them. Meaning, you will be able to speak directly to your target audience and provide them with the results they are needing!

This critical step in your course creation process could possibly make or break you so make sure that you are finding your target market. When the course is designed for the target audience, it is more likely to meet their needs and interests, improving their retention of the material.

How else does this benefit you:

When your audience feels that the course was designed specifically for them, they are more likely to become loyal customers, leading to increased profits. People buy from people they like, know & trust. This is just one of the ways you can earn this.

When you are able to identify your target audience, it helps you understand their language and communication style, which will make it easier for you to connect with them and deliver your message effectively.

Okay ! I hope this helped and you are able to build your own avatar! If you need help reach out! Grab the Avatar workbook below and start figuring out who your target is!

Until next time - STAY INSPIRED!

Thank you for watching!

Please let me know in the comments if you have any questions! Follow me on Instagram, @inspiredmarketing.

Course Creation







Meet the Founder

Hey! I’m Rachel Hall creator of Inspire Purpose - a website devoted to helping others start their online business by providing course creation & web design services that give your how-to videos, courses, tips, tricks, & updates. We created a method that allows you to start a business and/or earn passive income so that you can live a life of your dreams and quit the 9-5!

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