7 Methods to Bounce Back from Failure!

The information provided is from my own experience and may not work for everyone. I am not a professional nor claim to be. Please read my disclaimer for more information.

It can be hard when you feel like the whole world is after you and you experience one failure after another.

It’s hard to think of failure as a steppingstone to success but it is. It all depends on how you respond to failure and where you take it.

This is important because understanding failure can help you get to the next level or it can tear you down; however, it is easier said than done. People have the tendencies to say, “you got this” or “get back on the horse,” only trying to help, but sometimes it can be somewhat… frustrating.

You are not alone!

But what I want you to think about is something that will hopefully give you the breakthrough you need to keep going.

If you look at the experts and professionals that are doing exactly what you are wanting to do, you will find that they too went through a lot of failures and mistakes before they got to where they are.

They may have had mentors to help them get past it, but they told themselves that they had to get around this and keep pushing.

I want the same for you… to get past the failure and push forward towards your goals and dreams. Let’s look at 7 methods that can help you do just that!


As much as it might pain you to do this, you need to reflect on what happened. Take a step back and find the mistake or the missing piece that caused you to fail.

Once you are able to reflect on this, find out what you can do to turn it around. Whether that is starting over, going in a different direction, or researching and educating yourself a bit more on the subject.

Again, I go back to following the experts that are doing whatever it is that you are trying to do and copy them.

Yup - copy them! (Not their material, but their process!)

Reflecting is equally as important as any other process you have so take a moment to add this to your routine.

Don’t beat yourself up

One thing that many people like to do is talk down on themselves. “I can’t do this.” “I don’t even know why I started this in the first place.” “I can’t get anything right.”

These are words that do not need to even be in your vocabulary. Do not beat yourself up! You have to remember that people make mistakes and people MUST go through the failing process to get closer to their dreams!

When you beat yourself up, put yourself down, or talk bad about yourself, it only puts you in a deeper hole. You want to try to stay as positive as you can - and I know that can be so hard.

Speak to yourself like you would want someone else to speak to you.

Seriously! Tell yourself that YOU CAN DO THIS! That you WILL DO THIS! And that you CAN FIND A SOLUTION.

Whether you have the answer or not, this is how you keep going. And then, you go back to number one on this list, reflect.

You deserve this, so make it happen!

Be Willing to try again

When you have gone through failure after failure, many times you can find yourself in a place where it seems like you will never get out of. You may even feel like there is no way you can try to do it again.

But you have to think about this…

Why did you start in the first place?

How much of your time did you put into this?

Do you really want to just quit after you have given so much of your time that you cannot get back?

The answer to all these questions is this - you started this because it meant something to you. This is something that you put time into and if you quit now, all that you have done would be a waste. And you truly don’t want that.

Be proud of what you have done, where you are at, and what you have accomplished.

And never give up. Say, YES, I WILL TRY THIS AGAIN.

Don’t look back once you move forward

When I say “don’t look back once you move forward” it doesn’t mean that you don’t look at the progress you have made, it means once you start, keep going!

Don’t think about those thoughts that popped into your head when failure came along; just keep going and don’t stop. Reflect and jump back in.

Again… easier said than done. I don’t know what you have tried, what you have been through, or what has been done to get you to where you are - no one does. But you do. Do not make it all for nothing, so push forward.

When you get to where you want to be, you will be so proud that you made it through and now have a story to tell.

Celebrate your small successes

This is an important one. You deserve to feel good with what you have done! Reward yourself on the smallest of successes!

Take a picture. Post it. Talk about it. Write about it. Whatever you have to do to let yourself know that you made it here and you have done great.

When you do this, you feel better about where you are at and if you do make a mistake or fall short on something you are working on, you will be in a more positive head space and position, allowing you to get past it faster and move forward.

Celebrating your small successes is absolutely one of the best ways to overpower and shake off the stench of failure and you will be prepared to overcome it!

Enough sleep and rest

We have all heard our whole life that we need to get enough sleep - for better focus, energy, mental stability, and so on. I mean, we tell our kids to go to bed early so they can have a great day tomorrow!

However, people really do not actually take this advice for themselves, but sleep is one of those natural things that can really change things around. You actually do think clearer, have more energy, and just feel better.

So why don’t we do it?

Probably because we feel we will miss out on something. Or we have so much we want to do and so little time. There are many reasons why we don’t actually take our own advice.

But sleep is one thing that we need - and when we do, we can actually get more done!

Get your rest and start fresh the next morning!

Asking from help

It is never bad to ask for help! In fact, the more help you get, the better off you will be!

This is why experts, professionals, millionaires have mentors that get them to the next level. Everyone needs help every now and then and when you do, don’t be scared to ask for it.

If you have no one to ask, go online. Research, watch videos, or take a course that will help you get to the next level.

Many people think that asking for help makes them look weak or incompetent, but that is so far from the truth.

Get comfortable feeling uncomfortable and ask for help.

You will actually get through whatever it is you need help with, much faster.

Don’t waste time by thinking you don’t need help or that you can do everything on your own. This can cause even more frustration if you are unable to get through.

And this is the opposite of what you want.

You want to get to the next level - you want to see the end result. One of the best ways to do this is getting help from a professional - someone that has been doing this for a while and knows what they are doing.

Don’t waste any more time! Your time is the most valuable thing you have that you can never replace, so ask for help and thrive!

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Meet the Course Instructor & Creator of Inspire Purpose

Hey! I’m Rachel Hall and I created Inspire Purpose - a website devoted to helping others start their online business & provide web design services that get you to the next level. We created a method that allows you to start a business and/or earn extra income. And although, I cannot guarantee anyone’s success, the opportunities are endless online.

Our mission is to provide you with the tools and resources needed to develop your business and achieve success, such as our marketing courses and our web design services! We strive to make our courses engaging, inspiring and full of helpful insights that you can apply to your own venture. I'm so excited to help you discover the power of web design and marketing courses.

If you want to learn more about me and my journey, click Read More below. If you want to start your own journey, check out Your Journey to find out how!

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