Tons of Courses in the Same Niche? Take Advantage of it!

The information provided is from my own experience and may not work for everyone. I am not a professional nor claim to be. Please read my disclaimer for more information.




Hey guys, competition means there's already a market for your course. If there's other courses in your niche that are successful, that means that people are interested in that topic and they're willing to pay for it. Now, that also means that the potential for your course to be successful is huge!

Rather than being discouraged or upset about the fact that there's tons of courses in your niche, take advantage of the opportunity that you actually have. You can market it and you can fill in gaps in that marketing that other courses or your competition don't have.

Okay, so let's expand on the success of a course and why it indicates it's in demand. There's actually a few reasons why that would be. People are passionate about the subject and they want to learn more about it.

Now, whether that's a hobby or a professional interest, people are willing to invest time and money into whatever that niche is. They want to learn whatever they can about that specific topic.

Another reason is the course provides value. It fills in a gap, which I mentioned earlier -filling in a gap within your marketing efforts and creating a better course than your competitors. Filling in a gap, also known as unique selling proposition (USP), and I do talk about that in my other videos as well, but a course that provides value and fills in a gap is something that people are looking for.

If there's a gap in the market for a particular type of course, people are willing to invest in it and people are interested in enrolling in one that meets their needs and their expectations. So, making sure that you research the market, research your competitors, & analyze what they are offering is really critical when you're creating a course and when you're trying to make course material.

Successful courses also have a strong reputation and great reviews. Usually that's the case because they have provided some value for a lot of people. Word of mouth and online reviews can influence the way people think. They can influence the decision that people make when they're going in to buy a course or enroll in a course! Now, if they trust the opinions or the reviews, that is going to help them make the decision to enroll in that course.

Effective marketing and advertising can also play a great role in the success of a course. It's really critical that you understand marketing, even just a little bit, and that you are advertising your course. You're promoting your course in a very effective way.

If a course creator effectively communicates the benefits and highlights their features that they provide, or the value that they have or states what their audience is going to learn by the end of the course, they are more likely to attract all those people that are interested in that SAME TOPIC!

And you know, something that I always, always say…


make sure that you understand their needs and wants and preferences

so that you can put the RIGHT MESSAGE IN FRONT OF THEM.

This is what makes you stand out in the crowd of course creators!

But at the end of the day, just because there's a ton of courses in that niche and there's a ton of competition, it does not mean that you're going to fail at your course.

In fact, turn that around.

It actually means people are interested. People are willing to invest time. People are willing to buy.

If you are effective in your marketing, you're effective in your communication, you've been able to identify your target audience and put the right message in front of them, you've been able to highlight you.

Then you will be successful in your course creation and ultimately your business.

Until next time, STAY INSPIRED!

Thank you for watching!

Please let me know in the comments if you have any questions! Follow me on Instagram, @inspiredmarketing.








Meet the Founder

Hey! I’m Rachel Hall

Inspire Purpose - a business devoted to helping entrepreneurs in transforming their PASSION into Successful Businesses. Through COURSE CREATION & WEB DESIGN, I help you save time & money while scaling your business.

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Competition in your niche can help you market your course!


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