Building your Online Career with Blogging!

The information provided is from my own experience and may not work for everyone. I am not a professional nor claim to be. Please read my disclaimer for more information.

Back in the day, blogs were a thing. You know?

And guess what?

They still are! In fact, they are more so now, more than ever!

Blogging is a way to get information out there - where people absolutely go out and look for specific material to get the information they want, to do the things they want to do!

It’s great!

Now people all over the world are turning it into a career. Blog, such a silly word if you say it enough, but that is what it is. A story, a journey, a detailed letter to the world about something interesting.

No, you don’t have to have a blog to make a career online but let me tell you… It is definitely important from my view. I mean, if you look at all the big companies out there, down at the bottom - or at the top of some - there is a section you can click that leads you to a blog.

So, I have to say, to start off your online career, I would have a blog! Get your brand or your product out there and lead the audience back to your blog, and ultimately, your website.


Technically, a blog is simply published information or a discussion on a website that is put on the Web. It may consist of text that is formal, informal, political, instructional, educational, factual, or simply a message to the world that inspires others. And yet, it could be about nothing at all as well. So really, a blog could be about anything you want it to be about.


Absolutely, and many do!

In fact, they say blogging is the most sought-after career option in today’s era and people are just jumping into it making a full-time income.

Now, would I say it is easy?

I think if it was, everyone would be wealthy, right? The thing is, it’s not that it is necessarily hard, but it is something that I feel you have to master. People want information about something specific and if you don’t have that, then they won’t be reading your blog.

So, to have a blog, one would need to know what people are looking for - use SEO - understand the audience - solve a problem for many - be able to traffic it successfully - and have something inspiration or informational to say.

Yep, that’s it!

Not too hard right?


The online world is consistently and continuously changing! There is always something and bright and shiny that someone else wants, and that goes for blogging as well.

You have to be creative and have a purpose. Not to scare any new bloggers off, but to be a good, and I mean really good blogger, you have to know the ins and outs of blogging and what the audience is looking for at that given time.

That being said, you can absolutely do it! You can make a career out of blogging!


Does it happen overnight? No.

Is it a get rich quick method? No.

But if done right, you can have a career that you love and enjoy through online blogging.

What is your Niche? Let’s look at the different Niches that make money.

You have travel, marketing, home decor, fashion, make up, hair, technology, finances, parenting, health & wellness, lifestyle… I mean the list can go on and on.

The top 3 is always health, wealth, and relationships. Those 3 have been the top 3 for some time now and people still have to find the answers to their questions - and guess where they go?

The internet! Google would be out of business if it weren’t for blogs!

So, here is what you need:

Learn SEO and content writing - you need descriptive and keyword rich material. SEO is simply “Search Engine Optimization.” You want to make your blog rise to the top, then you use SEO to increase visibility on search engines, such as Google or Pinterest (Pinterest being my favorite!)

Next, learn about traffic and how to get your blog out there. Are you an affiliate or do you have your own product? If so, understanding how traffic works is imperative. Along with SEO, this is how you get your blog out there!

Read and network with other bloggers. Check out what bloggers in your Niche are doing and how they do it. Guess what? I bet they even have a blog about how they do it. Check it out!

Get help from the experts or take a course - this absolutely is a must as well. Although, I am sure you can do it on your own, why would you when there are so many courses and videos out there that are built by the experts in the desired career choice! Take a look! Even I have a course out there for entrepreneurs looking for help that start from scratch and build!


Do you need help getting your website up? Need help with traffic and lead generation? Maybe you need to understand email campaigns… Check the courses offered from Inspire purpose and get to the next level in online visibility and authority website!

Be consistent in your blogging - you will always want to get more information out there because let me tell you… those money-making bloggers are doing it and they are doing it big. They go all out and somehow produce hundreds of blogs all year round.

But that is their career choice. That is what they love to do, and it works for them. But again, it is not an overnight type of income. It can take anywhere from 6 months to a year to start seeing any money come in and that all depends on how big your audience is.


Well, here are a few money-making options with blogging:

You can sell digital products such as an e-book or course. If you have a niche that rocks, and you can make a how-to or even create a book out of it - sell it!

Sell digital services such as coaching or professional advice on all kinds of things. There are a ton or professionals that are taking their knowledge to the Web and building a life out of their digital services. And guess what? People love it!

You can start a podcast that speaks to what people are looking for. Although podcast also take a while to build up, it is one great way to make a living - if you have something that someone wants to hear.

You can always join an affiliate program where you sell other people’s products or services. This is probably the biggest one if you don’t have your own product or service.

You can sell ads on your blog. Another big one that can easily provide income by sharing a space on your blog where ads are placed, and people click them and buy.

You have a consulting site where you might be an expert in a niche and that people go to and get information to help them solve a problem. There are a ton of great bloggers out there that went to school for a specific consulting career and now have a website where they can blog about that niche and do consulting for people all over the world. It is amazing what you can do online these days!

Another great way to make money is by having a subscription. Maybe you have a course or maybe you have a product where people can join your subscription and get monthly. You know of these types of subscriptions - Justfab, Ipsy, & Audible or there are subscription boxes that people like you and me start such as decor, fashion, make-up, health & wellness boxes. The list is endless!

So, as you can see, there are many ways to make a career out of blogging! Bring your personality to the table and create something wonderful out of it! If you need help getting started, CLICK HERE and stop by my website to see if this course is something that will help you get started! Maybe you want to understand how traffic works, or maybe you need help with your email campaigns - it’s all there, so check it out and get started making a career online!

You got this! And I will see you there!

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Meet the Course Instructor & Creator of Inspire Purpose

Hey! I’m Rachel Hall and I created Inspire Purpose - a website devoted to helping others start their online business & provide web design services that get you to the next level. We created a method that allows you to start a business and/or earn extra income. And although, I cannot guarantee anyone’s success, the opportunities are endless online.

Our mission is to provide you with the tools and resources needed to develop your business and achieve success, such as our marketing courses and our web design services! We strive to make our courses engaging, inspiring and full of helpful insights that you can apply to your own venture. I'm so excited to help you discover the power of web design and marketing courses.

If you want to learn more about me and my journey, click Read More below. If you want to start your own journey, check out Your Journey to find out how!

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