It's Okay to Fail

The information provided is from my own experience and may not work for everyone. I am not a professional nor claim to be. Please read my disclaimer for more information.

You know that feeling you get when you work so hard on something and end up getting something wrong, or missing something to get to the end, or even get to the end and find out that whatever it is does not work.

It’s a horrible feeling and you may feel like a failure.

But I am here to tell you that you are NOT. Failure is absolutely all part of success…

But, yea, it does not feel like that at all.

It is important to understand that there are going to be times when you fail. We have all been there, but it is all about how you handle that failure.

Do you keep going or do you stop? Do you get up and restart or do you just throw it out the window? Do you find another way to fix it or do you decide you just can’t do it?

Again, Failure is a huge part of success!! Remember that when you find yourself in a place where you think that nothing is going right, and you can’t move forward.

Failure is success if we learn from it
— Malcom S. Forbes

So, remind yourself every time you get to that point


Failure is OKAY!

Easier said than done, right?

Believe me, I know failure. I know the feeling so well and I am sure you do too.

But without failure, I wouldn’t learn the many lessons that I needed to know!


In fact, if it goes so smoothly without mistakes or mishaps, you can bet that I will immediately question why it was this easy and feel that something has to go wrong.

It is like an automatic thought that pops up - that was too easy… what did I do wrong?

But it is important to remember that failure only tells you that you are being innovative, that you are somehow making progress, & that in all reality - failure is a part of success!

But no matter what, in the end, it all depends on how you handle that failure. You have to get up and move forward. Make the decision to find a way around it, pushing through the pain and struggle only makes everything worthwhile when you reach your goal!

In fact, celebrate your failure!

That’s right.

You didn’t read that wrong. You should celebrate because now you know what does and does not work - you understand that there has to be another way to do it.

And now, you can either move forward with the same project, now knowing you have to do it another way, or you start fresh.

Get excited instead!

I know it is easier said than done but keep telling yourself that this is only a hiccup and now it’s time to keep moving and get it done.



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Meet the Course Instructor & Creator of Inspire Purpose

Hey! I’m Rachel Hall and I created Inspire Purpose - a website devoted to helping others start their online business & provide web design services that get you to the next level. We created a method that allows you to start a business and/or earn extra income. And although, I cannot guarantee anyone’s success, the opportunities are endless online.

Our mission is to provide you with the tools and resources needed to develop your business and achieve success, such as our marketing courses and our web design services! We strive to make our courses engaging, inspiring and full of helpful insights that you can apply to your own venture. I'm so excited to help you discover the power of web design and marketing courses.

If you want to learn more about me and my journey, click Read More below. If you want to start your own journey, check out Your Journey to find out how!

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